It has been a quiet week since my arrival; the other students arrive later today. The first few days, it rained all day long, so I did not get out except to buy shampoo and deodorant. I had lots of time for prayerful reflection on my vocation and my new life, something that I realize a little more, in a tangible way, every day. I have also had lots of time to read, about the life of our founder, Fr. Pio Bruno Lanteri, and also Scott Hahn's
Many Are Called, a reflection and exposition of the institution of the priesthood and the many roles that priests play in modern society.
It brought me great joy to receive a little message from my dear sister, Sr. Teresa, who entered the
Nashville Dominicans a couple weeks before I left home. She copied a passage out of the Summa Theologica (Thomas Aquinas) and closed with "Welcome to religious life!" What a beautiful life she has been called to!
A couple days ago, I received my class schedule from Fr. David Beauregard:
- Ancient Philosophy
- Latin
- Metaphysics
- Catechism
- World Literature
It will be a full schedule, indeed. I was able to count two of my previous college classes toward the philosophy requirement, reducing my credits required for advancement in the program to 22 (a typical class is 3 credits, but Ancient Philosophy is 4), so I am on track to finish it in two years. He also mentioned something about placing the most critical philosophy classes in the first year, in case our superiors choose to skip the second year of Postulancy. Fr. David also noted that many seminarians today begin their studies of philosophy and theology with too analytical or technical an approach. For this reason, he introduces a "qualitative" critical thinking process through understanding literature and the arts.
We begin the full schedule tonight with Solemn Vespers, an orientation meeting tomorrow afternoon regarding the liturgies and music, and other administrative business on Monday. Monday evening, we depart for a 3-day retreat at the Oblates'
St. Joseph Retreat House in Milton.
After the 3-day weekend, we begin class on September 7.
My policy for email correspondence will be to check email daily to wade through spam and mass mailings, but only reply to non-urgent messages on weekends. My designated time to use the phone is Saturdays and Sundays between 12pm and 9pm Eastern time (3 hours ahead of Pacific time).
Please send me prayer requests! I can offer them publicly during Morning and Evening Prayer every day so that the whole community raises your intentions to the Father!
Love the Immaculata!