Wednesday, November 07, 2012


This afternoon, my weather-aware Gmail theme informed me that it was snowing! I promptly looked outside (noticing that it was not, in fact, snowing here), then checked the local weather report. WeatherUnderground reported 34ºF at the time, and I posted "freeze, Boston, freeze!" on Facebook.

Soon after this, I went downstairs to make a cup of hot chocolate, found Fr. Tom bringing in groceries, and behold, a very light non-accumulating snow was falling!

After dinner and through our meeting (up to the present moment), it kept snowing, and about a half-inch has accumulated here. Fun! I hope there's more to come this winter; last year was pathetic as far as snow is concerned! 

The first photo was taken with flash; the second without (this one did have a full 1-second exposure, though, and the colors came out great. The lighting is what is reflected off of clouds from surrounding streets/buildings, which is neat because it is nowhere near that bright to the naked eye).


Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca

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