Monday, January 09, 2012

Back in Boston!

...and it's cold again! Having had to scrape frozen dew off of the car back in Long Beach, and then endure the blistering 90ºF of Christmas and the New Year this time around, Boston has its usual chill, but is still unusually mild. I had a great time at home with family and friends, and carry those memories with me as I begin this new semester.

We all arrived without travel–weather anomalies, and this afternoon we leave for a few days of retreat, directed by visiting Oblate priest Fr. Shawn Monahan, from our parish of St. Mary's in Alton, IL. Everyone is glad to be back at St. Clement's and we welcome this opportunity to refresh ourselves spiritually.

Spring semester is always a bit different than the Fall. The temperatures travel in the opposite direction, the Lenten season has a different dynamic than Advent, and it is visiting season for the seminary. We will host a large group of young men discerning a call to the priesthood and interested in the Oblates at the end of the month; they will take part in a seminar on Ignatian discernment in addition to living with us and experiencing the rhythm of seminary life. This week is also vocations awareness week, in which the faithful are invited to mention the need for an authentic discernment of one's vocation, and to renew their convictions of their own.

Let us consider, in this time of new beginnings, what things we may be called to change, reform, or deepen in our lives, and what treasures we may hold dear as we press on in our earthly journey, recalling today our own baptism as we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus at the beginning of His public ministry. And let us place everything in the loving arms of Mary that she may direct and inspire us along the holy way to her Son.

Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca

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