Wednesday, July 13, 2011


ZENIT - Pope to Parents: Take the Kids Outdoors

Our German shepherd, Pope Benedict XVI encourages parents to take advantage of the fair weather and lack of school commitments common in many families for the rest of the year by showing their children the splendor and beauty of the great outdoors. This is something I always enjoyed as I was growing up; we began taking annual camping trips to national parks throughout the Southwestern United States, hiking in the mountains, exploring caves, and playing in rivers all over the place. And it was on these trips that the only mention of the priesthood as a possibility for my vocation ever came up - that I might bring my kids back to these places, or maybe I might be a priest.

How good God is, and how much we can agree with His reaction when He created the earth and the plants and animals, as He looked out saw that it was good!

Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca

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