Speaking at least for this community at St. Clement Shrine in Boston, we answered our Rector Major’s request that, following the election of the pope, each member renew the Oath of Fidelity to the teachings of the Church. After Evening Prayer this past Wednesday, the professed priests and brothers came forward before the Blessed Sacrament to recite the formula of the Oath and so swear their fidelity to hold and teach all that the Church stands for, including magisterial pronouncements of various degrees (as I studied in my Fundamental Theology class last semester). It was a beautiful moment of solidarity and witness to communion with the universal Church.
In the coming days, we shared at mealtimes and in the car to and from St. John Seminary various reactions and news stories we had read and facts we had looked up since last we spoke. It has been a wonderful time getting to know a man who instantly drew you into himself, and immediately gave way to meeting God in prayer, with a wonderful Marian tone.
And he is so funny! I watched his homily at the Mass for the Church (Missa pro ecclesia) from last night, and his reverent yet conversational homiletic style is absolutely captivating. His message is simple yet deep, that in those readings and in the Church, we are journeying (caminare), building (edificare), and professing (confessare). Yet we cannot do so without the Cross. He kept repeating the Italian phrase, la cosa non va, meaning, unless you have the right ingredients (especially the Cross) and keep working at the journey and the building and the profession of faith, it just doesn’t work! After his final exhortation, which invited his cardinals to ask Mary’s intercession, he closed with cosi sia, an Italian alternative to the ancient Amen, so often used by other preachers. I love his style!
Then later, I watched a report about his meeting with the cardinals this morning, from Rome Reports. Yet again, his cheerful and close fraternal spirit overflowed and he stepped down from his chair to greet them standing, he showed tremendous respect for them and commented that they must all take courage (referring to Cardinal Mejia’s situation), as they are in their golden years, but that their age, as with aged wine, yields wisdom and it is up to them to impart that wisdom to today’s youth. Awesome!
I saw Cardinal Dolan’s reactions in an interview posted on Facebook in which he continuously laughs about all the moments that Pope Francis surprised the college by his spontaneity or his humor or his simplicity.
Finally, I read a short recap by Peggy Noonan, whose book on speechwriting we are reading for my Communication & Evangelization class. Her account is charming to read and is a wonderful account of her reactions to the new pope, many of which I share, and it is just a delight to have access to so many good and favorable resources to balance all the opposition that criticizes him for every viewpoint.
And can I say I love listening to Italian?? Viva il Papa!
Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca
Hello everyone! I am a Catholic, from Southern California. I entered the seminary of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in Boston in August of 2010. Remember, in the end, three things will remain, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest is Love, Verus Amor!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Others' Reactions to Pope Francis
Here are some reactions to Pope Francis’ election today. I hope these are informative and encouraging for you all!
From Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM, of Philadelphia:
Dear Friend of CV,
Miserando atque eligendo.
"Lowly, and yet chosen."
That was the episcopal motto of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, elected by his fellow Cardinals and now known as Pope Francis.
Pope Francis is neither "conservative" or "liberal," neither from the left or from the right. He is Catholic.
This is the holy man who the Holy Spirit inspired the Cardinals to elect, and who we are called to pray for and to go forth with to continue the work of the New Evangelization.
Because of an infection as a teenager, Pope Francis has only one lung. We the laity must be his other lung, and help breathe new life into our Church!
God bless Pope Francis!

P.S. The installation Mass for Pope Francis is scheduled for March 19, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church. The election of a pope from Latin America confirms what we already know: The Church is universal indeed.
And after the Mass at the Cathedral, Josh and I were interviewed for the evening cable news. Check out our story here: http://soa.li/OdXWJDF.
Enjoy, and Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca
From Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM, of Philadelphia:
Pope Francis, the former Cardinal Bergoglio, is a man from the new heartland of the global Church; a priest of extraordinary intellectual and cultural strengths; a man deeply engaged in the issues of contemporary life and able to speak to the modern heart; open to the new realities the Church faces; and rooted in a deep love of Jesus Christ. He is a wonderful choice; a pastor God sends not just to the Church but to every person of good will who honestly yearns for justice, peace and human dignity in our time. May God grant him courage and joy, and sustain him with his divine presence. (source: http://bit.ly/Wovqz2)From Cardinal Timothy Dolan, of New York and President of the US Catholic Bishops’ Conference:
Cardinal Dolan: “So we take the buses over and cardinals kind of wait outside to greet the new Holy Father as he comes back to Doma Santa Marta…and as the last bus pulls up, guess who gets off the bus? Pope Francis” ... “So I guess he told the driver, ‘That’s OK. I’ll just go with the guys on the bus.” (source: http://cbsloc.al/ZJpmAb)From an email from CatholicVote:
Dear Friend of CV,
Miserando atque eligendo.
"Lowly, and yet chosen."
That was the episcopal motto of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, elected by his fellow Cardinals and now known as Pope Francis.
Pope Francis is neither "conservative" or "liberal," neither from the left or from the right. He is Catholic.
This is the holy man who the Holy Spirit inspired the Cardinals to elect, and who we are called to pray for and to go forth with to continue the work of the New Evangelization.
Because of an infection as a teenager, Pope Francis has only one lung. We the laity must be his other lung, and help breathe new life into our Church!
God bless Pope Francis!
P.S. The installation Mass for Pope Francis is scheduled for March 19, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church. The election of a pope from Latin America confirms what we already know: The Church is universal indeed.
And after the Mass at the Cathedral, Josh and I were interviewed for the evening cable news. Check out our story here: http://soa.li/OdXWJDF.
Enjoy, and Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca
Habemus Papam Franciscum!
What an exciting day! Fr. John moved quickly through our halls, excitedly announcing the white smoke signalling a successful election. I was a bit annoyed at the hurriedness, the excitement, the urgency of the message; so many would receive the news so much later than I. But within a minute, I could not restrain the excitement of the moment and called home to make sure they knew. I then went up to our church (St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine of Perpetual Adoration) to offer some prayers of thanksgiving; Fr. Tom soon joined me and led those in adoration in the traditional Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the pope.
We then gathered in our TV room to await the announcement of who had been chosen and his regnal name, and his presentation and greeting. At long last, around 3pm Eastern Time, Cardinal Tauran emerged on the balcony to announce Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had chosen the name Francis. The excitement mounted, because the name was Italian, as many had suspected the pope may be, and already intriguing that he had chosen Francis.
Fr. John quickly turned to Google to find out more about Bergoglio, and landed on his Wikipedia page, which had already been renamed to “Pope Francis,” where we learned that he was Cardinal-Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The South American connection was additionally intriguing and we began to learn more about him.
His appearance itself struck me deeply. At our holy hour tonight, I journalled:
UPDATED:We also learned from Fr. Tim that Cardinal Bergoglio is very well-versed in the Spiritual Exercises and that he attended meetings with him and other experts on the Exercises in South America. Fr. Tim informed us at lunch today that his recollection was of another Argentinian scholar and not Bergoglio.
We seminarians went to the Cathedral for an evening Mass of thanksgiving for the election of the pope, which was said in Spanish by a visiting priest concluding a week of mission talks for the Cathedral parish. It was a lively Mass, full of joy, and the best part was in the homily, delivered in Spanish:
Follow more news about Pope Francis via the following articles:
As Pope Francis did, let us implore the intercession of our mother, the Madonna, that she may protect the Church and strengthen her leaders that, with humility, simplicity, and zeal for their Father’s house, they may teach, govern, and sanctify the people of God until the end of time. Amen.
Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca
We then gathered in our TV room to await the announcement of who had been chosen and his regnal name, and his presentation and greeting. At long last, around 3pm Eastern Time, Cardinal Tauran emerged on the balcony to announce Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had chosen the name Francis. The excitement mounted, because the name was Italian, as many had suspected the pope may be, and already intriguing that he had chosen Francis.
Fr. John quickly turned to Google to find out more about Bergoglio, and landed on his Wikipedia page, which had already been renamed to “Pope Francis,” where we learned that he was Cardinal-Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The South American connection was additionally intriguing and we began to learn more about him.
His appearance itself struck me deeply. At our holy hour tonight, I journalled:
His greeting was somewhat short; he came out and waved, then stood for a minute, hands at his sides, taking in the moment and the cheering crowd. He used the familiar Italian greeting, ‘[Brothers and sisters,] good evening!’ He thanked those of Rome and all gathered, then immediately led us in praying an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for [Pope Emeritus] Benedict XVI. A powerful moment.
He then delivered a message calling all to pray for each other, calling us ‘fratelli’ – ‘brothers.’ Approaching the Urbi et Orbi blessing, he asked everyone to pray for God’s blessing for him - the silence was beautiful; he bowed his head and received the fruit of our prayers, then rose and imparted that special blessing to the world.
He lingered for a couple minutes... then addressed the crowd, expressing his love and closeness by saying, ‘See you Sunday, when we will pray the Angelus to the Madonna!’
His presence was remarkable; his patience and composure combine with his casual and intimate tone so that we are drawn to him, love him, and are taken up into the solemnity of the moment—he shared his silence with us, and prayed with us virtually continuously. Very cool!In the hours that followed, we learned that he prefers to cook his own meals, live in a simple apartment, and that his attitude of poor and humble servitude promises to be a distinctive mark of his papacy.
We seminarians went to the Cathedral for an evening Mass of thanksgiving for the election of the pope, which was said in Spanish by a visiting priest concluding a week of mission talks for the Cathedral parish. It was a lively Mass, full of joy, and the best part was in the homily, delivered in Spanish:
We rejoice tonight because we have a pope, and a pope who speaks Spanish! (applause) But he also speaks the language of humility, the language of service, the language of sanctity... God has not abandoned his church and tonight we rejoice together, united as one family with our Heavenly Father.
Follow more news about Pope Francis via the following articles:
- From NPR regarding the name Francis; a well-sourced article: http://n.pr/WIxt3s
- From the Vatican News Service: first words (with audio, partially translated); and some points from Fr. Lombardi; and the official biography.
As Pope Francis did, let us implore the intercession of our mother, the Madonna, that she may protect the Church and strengthen her leaders that, with humility, simplicity, and zeal for their Father’s house, they may teach, govern, and sanctify the people of God until the end of time. Amen.
Love the Immaculata!
Mariam cogita, Mariam invoca
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