This month, we acknowledge the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortions for any reason. This is an immense crime against life, and it directly opposes the true love that we should have for each individual. Abortion takes the life of a human being, as it has been proven by scientists, even before an investigative committee in the federal government! Those concerned with the comfort of the mother should realize the great joy that comes with a little baby, and feel that such beautiful life can repair any damage done by whatever sequence of traumatic events caused her pregnancy. Even if the mother's life is in danger, she cannot choose outright to kill that baby. In this case, it is a very fine line to walk, but the mother cannot be compelled, either, to choose the baby's life over her own. Instead, knowing the consequences of treatment to the mother, she may choose to go ahead with these treatments, even knowing that her baby will die in the process. With today's medical technology, however, this is rarely the case.
Tuesday the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Oregon law that allows doctors to prescribe lethal medications to terminally ill patients. Because this law was reviewed by the Supreme Court, its principles can be reused in individual states, and other courts will have a very difficult job overturning those laws, as the highest court has already set the precedent for the issue. This is assisted suicide, and it is taking one's life. Any miracle may happen in those last "six months" as the law provides, and the life of the person may be extended much more. It is simply not the right of the human person to choose whether or not to end his own life or anyone else's.
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Thanks for reading!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, pray for us!
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, patron of the prolife movement, pray for us!
Love the Immaculata!