Hello everyone! I am a Catholic, from Southern California. I entered the seminary of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in Boston in August of 2010. Remember, in the end, three things will remain, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest is Love, Verus Amor!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Corpus Cristi
Happy Feast Day!
Love the Immaculata!
Friday, June 02, 2006
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
God Bless!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Valentine's Day
So, Spring is on its way! Love's in the air ... or is it? What is
love? How do we express love? Where can love be found?
Love is the ultimate giving of oneself to another. It is infinite
compassion. It is total dedication. It is, in the terms of the
Catholic Church, the bond between the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. It is the force that brought Jesus to Earth, the force that
caused the Father to send His only Son, and the force that enabled the
Son to sacrifice Himself for all of Humanity.
We express our love for one another by acting always in their best
interests, but we must be careful to discover these interests
independently of ourselves. This means that we do not choose the best
thing for them that we want, but instead choose the best thing for
them, period. Ultimately, there is only one who knows this best good:
God Himself.
Love can be found in God, and in all in whom God dwells. Make
absolute certain that God dwells in you, at every moment of your life!
This means remaining free from sin. If you do have the misfortune to
fall into sin, fly to the Church and the blessed Sacraments. The Most
Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love, so reception of this Holy
Sacrament will surely bring much love into your life!
Live in Love always, live in Verus Amor!
In Christ, Through the Immaculata,
Paul Nguyen, MI
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tuesday the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Oregon law that allows doctors to prescribe lethal medications to terminally ill patients. Because this law was reviewed by the Supreme Court, its principles can be reused in individual states, and other courts will have a very difficult job overturning those laws, as the highest court has already set the precedent for the issue. This is assisted suicide, and it is taking one's life. Any miracle may happen in those last "six months" as the law provides, and the life of the person may be extended much more. It is simply not the right of the human person to choose whether or not to end his own life or anyone else's.
For more information, visit http://priestsforlife.org or http://www.catholic.org or http://www.nrlc.org or http://www.sba-list.org/
Thanks for reading!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, pray for us!
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, patron of the prolife movement, pray for us!
Love the Immaculata!